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How we keep your data safe

Who are myGP?
In 2005, the first patient-facing pilot of iPLATO Patient Care Messaging integrated into EMIS went live with GP practices in the London Boroughs of Lambeth and Islington.
In 2016, the myGP patient app was launched. Today, over 2.8m users benefit from; appointment booking, medication ordering and reminders, medical record access, and support services.
Certified to NHS and government standards
The NHS and British Government established guidelines to ensure that all organisations using health data do so safely and morally. We ensure myGP complies with these requirements and set the bar high for other health technology businesses.

How we use data

All data is encrypted by us both during storage and transmission. As a result, only you, your healthcare provider, and anyone else you approve will be able to access it.

Access controls
We ensure that the professionals who utilise our systems are the same ones you rely on for medical care. They need to possess legitimate NHS credentials.

Protection officer
All employees receive security and information governance training. To ensure best practises, we constantly assess the level of data security knowledge among our team.

Secure partners
For instance, we sometimes collaborate with other businesses to store data safely in the cloud. We only accept partners who live up to our strict criteria.