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Tapping in to healthcare
Tapping in to healthcare is a campaign to encourage the male population to overcome pre-existing barriers when accessing healthcare.
We asked 1,000 men what could put them off seeking health advice from their doctor
The reasons listed were:
1. Too busy to go (29%)
2. Worried about burdening the NHS (28%)
3. Unable to get an appointment around work hours (26%)
4. Embarrassment or awkwardness (23%)
5. Worried about catching germs (22%)
Why men? Why now?
During the pandemic there has been a dramatic increase in male patients being proactive about seeking professional medical advice, thanks to being able to do so via a smartphone – therefore this campaign aims to continue to encourage this trend.
The men’s health advert is part of a broader campaign calling for the British public to overcome the awkwardness or inconvenience of traditional primary care access.
This online advert sits alongside a number of regional advertisements including London bus sides, online advertising across social media, regional press ads and a broader PR campaign about the nations embarrassment when it comes to their health.

Why focus on embarrassment?
myGP can help all patients overcome nearly all the above health barriers, but the embarrassment element became our main campaign focus due to points 1-3 being alleviated through the digital-first approach to primary care during the pandemic.
Further data proved that 36 percent of men put off booking an appointment out of fear that someone may overhear them discussing personal issues with the surgery – an issue that myGP can help patients to avoid! Don’t talk, just tap!
Almost a third of males surveyed (29%) said the thought of having to share their health complaint with a GP receptionist was enough to put them off seeking help.
Want to know more?
Read our media release on the data here.
Read more about the campaign here.
For all press enquiries contact:
Campaign feedback
“Being a digital native GP, I value the ease of access and efficiency that health technology provides, and this campaign is important in promoting the benefits of a ‘3-tap’ booking process. No talking, just tapping. The light-hearted recognition of the now avoidable ‘cringe’ moments works really well and I envisage it grabbing male patients’ attention.” Dr Preeti Shukla
“This was a lighthearted way of providing useful information” Survey responder
“I think humour makes it easier to talk about sensitive issues.” Survey responder
“I think it makes a very important point about potential embarrassment and encourages people to use an alternative path to getting advice” Survey responder